Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thursday: Le Quatorze Juillet- France's National Holiday

Today, I slept in a bit more than usual. After breakfast, I watched the military parade in Paris on the television with Mme Cottave and Stephanie from about 10-11:30. Then I got ready for the day and left to meet friends for lunch. Dowtown was deserted, clearly everyone wanted to enjoy their day off at home. I had salmon on pasta with a creme sauce for lunch, and then May, Chris, Maryel and I set off for Chris' house. We were supposed to go swimming or hottubbing, depending on the weather. It was cold, but when we arrive we learned the the jacuzzi was broken, so we watched Will and Grace episodes on Chris' computer for a while, and then all headed back home for dinner.

After dinner I met several U of M students for the fireworks in the park. We sat in the grass on my beach towel, it was truly a beautiful show. The most interesting thing though, was that the live entertainment consisted of a band whose lead singer sounded Irish, singing old American songs such as Route 66...at the fireworks for the French National Holiday? Peculiar. Afterwards, Maryel and I coined the expression "I could go for a gaufre" which is a waffle. We tried finding somewhere that would be selling them, but nothing was open nearby since we weren't downtown, so we gave up and all headed home early.

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