Tuesday, July 12, 2011

things that I miss:

Decided it had been so long since I last blogged that I should do a second today! Although I'm having a blast here, here are the things that I miss:

 Nathan! Why did we think it was a good idea to be 5371 miles apart! We'll cut that down to 1453 once I return to Michigan, thats practically nothing right? Miss you :)
 My kitties! Tori and Oreo, but he isn't as easily photographed. I wish I had them to snuggle with at night!
 My Family! Especially my mom and dad, but everyone else too of course.
PB&J and other typical american foods. Although I could have a taste of America through McDonalds if I wanted, that sounds disgusting. I miss the classics like pb&j and of course my moms cooking (and my own cooking). I was craving this so much last week I splurged on the 3.50 euro tiny jar of PB and made a crunchy peanut butter and raspberry jelly sandwich on baguette. So worth it, I'll be bringing these for lunch some days.

Hm, what else? Air conditioning, but more so just screens on windows, because it isn't awful hot when the window is open at night, but the mosquitoes get in and eat me alive! Cereal for breakfast, yes believe it or not, the bread fiend Melanie Jackson is SICK of eating baguette and butter with jam for breakfast. It only keeps me full for an hour or two and then my tummy grumbles during my 4 hours of class each morning. Cereal always fills me up long enough to wait for lunch. That's all I can think of now, so I guess it could be worse!

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