Wednesday, July 13, 2011

IT ALL ENDS....2 days earlier in France.

Today was a great day! My 8:30-10:30am French class whizzed bye surprisingly fast, and for my 1:30-12:30 class we visited a museum on the resistance and deportation in the Isere region during WWII. After my morning classes, I went by myself to the school cafeteria, because I didn;t want to spend a lot on lunch. I'd brought a hunk of baguette, my jar of PB and my raspberry jelly, so I made myself a sandwich, and bought a yogurt and an apple for just 0.85 euro, I also brought these mini chocolate Cracotte things that I bought yesterday at the store. They are like the big Cracotte crackers I brought home last time, but small and they have chocolate inside. For those who don't know, a Cracotte cracker is a bit difficult to describe, it is a multigrain cracker that is relatively flavorless until you add butter and jam or Nutella, I'd say the texture is somewhat like a combination of shredded wheat and rice crispies...weird to imagine if you've never had it.
After my makeshift lunch, I waited in our building for the afternoon U of M class and was finally able to check my email using the campus wifi. I hadn't been able to check it since yesterday afternoon because my internet stopped working at home. I had a few emails from a disappointed Nathan because I'd missed our skype date. The U of M class was fun, everyone was in a great mood because...HARRY POTTER CAME OUT TODAY!

Yep, that's what the title of this entry is about; the final part of the Harry Potter series made its debut 2 days earlier here in France (and I believe the rest of Europe?) than in the US. Needless to say I have some jealous friends back home. After class, the whole group of U of M students headed to a theater we knew would be playing it in English, and shelled out 9.60 Euro on the 3D version (the money I saved at lunchtime makes up for it!) It was fantastic,well worth the cost. Its sad though, this is the end of an era for our generation, we grew up with Harry Potter! I decided after the movie, our generation is going to nag our children to no end saying "You have to read them, the Harry Potter series is a classic!" until they finally give in, then they will be like "Wow mom you were right, those books were really awesome!"

That's all for now, I've got to get some work done so that I can fete, fete, fete all day long! (fete=celebrate) Tomorrow is the French National Holiday, and I may not be a French citizen, but I am supposed to be learning about French culture and tradition, so if that means I have to observe their holidays, so be it. ;)

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